Saturday, January 3, 2015

Into 2015

Here we are quite quickly in 2015. I've been too busy with my degree last year to do much creative writing but hopefully, fingers crossed and touch wood, I will pass all my modules and have my degree finished this summer. Boyne Berries 17 is due in March so I will be doing further work on that soon. 

I'm looking through my documents for an old poem because the butterflies keep appearing in the house. It must be the warmth. The document is from December, 2010. I've immediately deleted three verses, the sentiment they contained was embarrassing. 

Butterfly in December

It is strange to find
amid Christmas preparation
some relic of summer,

but on newly varnished wood
meeting Waterloo I rescue
lepidoptera from death.

Why come you here with frosted wings
out of winter melting to memories

What spirit are you?
A lover’s heart
I hold you tenderly,

for I do not know the annals
and feeling like a child remember
life is the weight of wings.