To celebrate the 3rd year anniversary of Drawn to the Light
Press this October, Hold Fast to Dreams Poetry Competition is
announced. Langston Hughes wrote
Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.
What dreams do you have? What do you aspire to? What colour
are your dreams? Do you vividly recall a dream? Do you daydream? What is it you
secretly wish you could have done? What do you intend to do? Will you act? What
is your passion?
The competition will be judged by editor Orla Fay. A top ten
poems will be included in issue 10 and the winning poet will receive a cash
prize. The competition closes on Friday, September 1st at midnight.
There is an entry fee of €5 per poem and poets may submit as
many poems as they wish.
Poems should be 40 lines or less and written on the theme of
‘Dreams’. Please attach the poem separately.
Poems will be judged anonymously and should not include the
poet’s name on the poem itself. A cover letter should include the poet’s name,
email address and title of entry.
Enter here
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