The Mound of the Hostages, Tara, which has an alignment close to Samhain with the sun. It is a meagalithic passage tomb, dated c. 3000bc
Hi everyone. Happy Hallowe'en. I finished my murder ballad this morning, 52 lines, exciting! It was hard though. I'm even more excited as I've written a poem as Gaeilge for the first time and it's pasted below. As it's a first and it is about the feast of Samhain on the Hill of Tara I'm letting it appear on my blog.
Oíche Shamhna
Teamhair mo chroí, Teamhair mo chroí,
táim ag lorg an púca agus an cailleach
ar do sliabh.
Tá an Samhain ag teacht agus táim caillte
leis an gaoth atá ag séideadh
trasna na duilleoga
agus atá ag tiomaint na scamaill
sa spéir liath agus brúite
leis an tráthnóna.
Beidh an capall ag rith suas an bóthar
tar éis tamaill. Beidh Cormac an rí
ag marcaíocht
go dtí an tine mór. Beidh féasta ar siúl
agus feicfidh mé na daoine aosta
ag siúl leis na daoine beo.
Orla Ní Fhéich
Tara my heart, Tara my heart,
I am looking for the ghost and the witch
on your hill.
Samhain is coming and I am lost
with the wind that is blowing
across the leaves
and that is driving the clouds
in the sky grey and bruised
with the evening.
The horse will be running up the road
in a while. King Cormac
will be riding
to the big fire. There will be a feast
and I will see the ancient people
walking with the living.
Orla Fay