I was doing some writing this morning and suddenly I felt like one of the children looking into the wardrobe to Narnia. Of course I had a look around the books at home and I found The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. I never read this one but I did read Prince Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The Silver Chair and The Last Battle a long time ago. Am I too old now to read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe? Wasn't it a great title for a book? It was published in 1950.
It's - it's a magic wardrobe. There's a wood inside it, and it's snowing, and there's a Faun and a Witch and it's called Narnia; come and see. (Lucy says to the other children)
On the subject of fantasy, I finished reading Sword at Sunset by Rosemary Sutcliff. It's her interpretation of the legend of King Arthur. In this book Arthur is called Artos the Bear who tried to unite Britain to drive the Saxons, the Sea Wolves and the Picts out. He succeeded in doing this for a while and became a Caesar, Emperor of Britain. Guinevere appears in the book as a daughter of a chieftain who Artos marries for her dowry of one hundred horses and to protect her honour. Lancelot could be Artos' captain and minstrel Bedwyr with whom Guenhumara falls in love. Of course that his wife and captain should betray him so almost breaks Artos. Artos' son Medraut (Mordred) is the bane of his father's life. In the end Artos kills Medraut in battle but he has mortally wounded his father.
It wasn't the easiest book to get into but when I did get into it I really enjoyed and I'm glad I've read it now.
What to read next? I also read a couple of Emma Donoghue's books.