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Saturday, March 21, 2020

An Evening Meditation (Poem for World Poetry)

Evening Meditation (Sun Holds Moon)

In the day observe your distance, keep apart,
but swaddle life as a precious child, and nature
as kindred, the solitary tree, a long-lost friend.

Now more than ever the earth is your home,
its sure ground the centre of your being,
its heart within your heart, footfall beating

a steady path along the rhythm of breath.
Gather armfuls of flowers to make bouquets
of the coming months, April and May.

Observe the silence of the half-light of dawn,
the twilight of evening and listen, to chirping birds,
the trilled echoes of memory barely vibrating

on the surface of the mind, calm water,
the reservoir of the self to be drawn upon,
a renewable, replenished well, an ocean.

Drink deeply from its star-filled source
brim-full of knowledge, heed the spirit’s whispering
of the inward opening door,

the realm within realm, gaze once more
on a cosmic tenderness, magnificence, beauty,
hold court with true love, a conscious union.

Orla Fay