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Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Hold Fast to Dreams Poetry Competition 2024

Langston Hughes wrote,

Hold fast to dreams 

For if dreams die

Life is a broken-winged bird

That cannot fly.

Entries are now invited to the ‘Hold Fast to Dreams Poetry Competition 2024’. 13 shortlisted poems will appear in Drawn to the Light Press Issue 13 and the overall winner will receive a cash prize. Please send a single poem of no more than 40 lines (excluding the title) as an attachment to

Please ensure that your name is not included on the attached poem.

Name and contact details, along with the title of your entry and the PayPal reference number for your entry should be included in the body of the email.

Poems must be previously unpublished.

The competition closes on Sunday, 1st September at midnight.

Poems must be on the theme of ‘dreams’ and we look forward to your interpretations. The judge of the competition is editor Orla Fay. There is a €10 entry fee.

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