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Sunday, May 1, 2011


I have a poem in May's issue of Riposte called Going to Portmarnock which I wrote about two years ago to enter a competition about railway journeys.  I went to Portmarnock on a date at the time but the best thing by far to arise from the situation was the poem.  I don't know what became of the competition or who won it but I'm happy my poem found its destination at least.  It's a sonnet.  I was writing a lot of sonnets at the time.  They must be nearly all published now so I will have to write some more. 

This time last year Frank Murphy advised me to send something to Riposte and a few weeks ago at the Boyne Berries 9 launch Evan Costigan told me to do the same.  Evan had a poem called Conch in the broadsheet recently and Frank had a poem in it too recently I'm sure.

Thanks very much to Michael O'Flanagan who edits Riposte.  It is in its 16th year and has a very impressive mailing list.  To subscibe to the publication for one year costs 15 euro and you can contact Riposte by email; or view the website at